NDIS Services

NDIS services 

If you'd like to increase the creative uplift in your life, let's discover what that could look like for you. Whether it's creative activities, or a counselling session, or a bit of both - chat + make - I'm open to discovering how we might work together, and tailoring a Service Agreement that is just right for you.

I am a qualified, registered and experienced ACA counsellor, however I am not registered as an NDIS service provider. Clients may be eligible to use NDIS funding to access my services if they are self managing their NDIS package, or have a Plan Manager. Check with your support coordinator.

Counselling services

In counselling, I can assist you with working on your goals, and collaborate with your other supports to provide regular, helpful opportunities for you to discuss any concerns you have. Counselling is private, between you and the counsellor unless you ask them to share information with others. A counsellor does not replace your doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist but can be a useful, supportive person who is available in your local community. 

Counselling as described in the NDIS Price Guide 2020-21:

Item 15_043_0128_1_3  --- "Provision to a participant of a support to facilitate self-knowledge, emotional acceptance and growth, and the optimal development of personal resources, to help the participant work towards their personal goals and gain greater insight into their lives."

To discover more about my counselling approach, see the Counselling tab.

Creative / therapeutic services

Currently I provide a number of tailored services to participants of the NDIS that are based around creative activity. I am a practicing artist who is experienced with both individual sessions and group facilitation. Activities are diverse and based around the interests and goals of participant/s.

To explore additional NDIS-related arts/counselling/workshop services please reach out to me.